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Welcome to the Driver Guide!

Hey there, Driver! This guide is your roadmap to becoming a laundry delivery pro. We'll cover everything you need to know about using our system, from planning your routes to handling pickups and deliveries like a champ. Let's get started!

Section Overview

1. Getting Started:

  • Viewing Today's Routes

  • Accessing the Full Schedule

  • Understanding Pickup and Delivery Icons

2. Preparing for Your Route:

  • Selecting Your Route and Time

  • Viewing and Navigating Your Route (Mobile Compatibility)

  • Printing Pickup Tickets

  • (Optional) Printing Delivery Tickets

  • Managing Stops (Moving and Rescheduling)

3. Starting Your Route:

  • Starting and Optimizing Your Route

  • Modifying the Route Order

  • Understanding "Custody" of an Order

4. Handling Pickups:

  • En Route Notifications

  • Pickup Options (Drive There, Cancel En Route, Cancel Order)

5. Unloading at the Processing Store:

  • Unloading Options (Unload All vs. Manual Unload)

  • Binning Orders (Weight, Number of Bags, Shelf)

6. Deliveries:

  • Loading Deliveries onto Your Truck

  • Rescheduling Deliveries

  • Marking Deliveries as Complete (with Signature, Photo, or Delivery Only)

  • Handling Unexpected Pickups

7. Missed Pickups and Deliveries:

  • Uploading Signatures or Photos

8. Commercial Accounts:

  • Upgrading Residential Accounts (Manager Role)

  • Creating New Commercial Accounts (Manager Role)

  • Providing Delivery Confirmation (Signature or Photo)